NDIS Support Coordination

Support Coordination

Instacare Support Coordination

Support Coordination is all about enhancing your ability to manage and direct your own services. It provides the flexibility to help you find the community, employment and accommodation options that are right for you.

We will work creatively and resourcefully with you on how you utilise your support budgets to achieve your goals.  Specifically, this might involve help with:

      • Offers you the perfect support coordination solution to strengthen your ability to coordinate.
      • Implement supports and participate in the community.

If you would like us to be your Support Coordinator – it is important that you nominate Instacare as your preferred Support Coordinator to your planner and they will forward us a ‘Request for Service – Coordination of Supports’ form which will help us tailor our support approach to you

Instacare NDIS registered provider

About Instacare

Service Providers

  • Identify the service and service providers that best meet your individual needs, including assessing a number of mainstream, community, informal and provider options
  • Obtain quotes, negotiate services to be provided, develop service agreements and create service bookings with preferred providers
  • Negotiate services and prices as part of any quotable supports
  • Arrange any assessments required to determine the nature and type of funding required (eg assessment to determine the type of complex home modifications required).

Plan Support

  • Monitor your NDIS plan outcomes/spending
  • Redevelop your goals prior to your NDIS plan review
  • Decide the budget for each support type and advise any relevant plan manager of the breakdown of funds and liaise with any plan manager to establish the appropriate claim categories and attribute the correct amount of funds
  • Provide the NDIA with reports on outcomes and success indicators within the agreed reporting frequency.


  • Link you into a job or other community activities
  • Respond to a crisis or identify solutions for managing risky situations
  • Connect you to mainstream or community services (i.e. housing, education, transport, health)

Support Coordination

The NDIA will consider your circumstances and fund the most appropriate level of Support Coordination. If you’re in your first plan, and you don’t have the assistance of a Local Area Coordinator, it’s most likely that Support Connection and Coordination will be funded.

Support Coordination

We can provide longer-term assistance to build your capacity to navigate the complexity of services and supports you need from a range of providers.

Frequently Asked Questions

We’re making a difference to people with disability by partnering and providing guidance on the best use of your NDIS support funding and allowing you to focus on what is really important… living life!

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