Eva takes us on her journey through living with schizoaffective disorder, experiencing isolation, embarking on her journey with an NDIS Support Coordinator, and eventually re-discovering her spark through creativity.
Eva is a warm, loving and creative Adelaide local. For the majority of her life, she owned a beauty salon in Adelaide city centre. She thrived off the socialisation, inspiration and creative expression that this avenue of work provided.
At 30 years old Eva was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder. As she lived alone, things that were once simple tasks— like cleaning her house, paying bills and visiting the shops became incredibly challenging for her. Eva was beginning to feel the effects of social isolation, she became disconnected from the people and things that had previously brought her so much joy and fulfilment in her life. She never imagined how she would be able to discover her creativity again. But boy was she wrong…
In November 2020, Eva was approved for her very first NDIS plan. It was in fact her neighbour who introduced her to the idea. She had never heard of the NDIS before, or what potential benefit she might experience from it.
Eva’s journey with Instacare & The NDIS
Eva uses Instacare Plan Management. She is also matched up with our beautiful Support Coordinator in Adelaide, Michele, who has helped to coordinate all her appointments—a psychologist, podiatrist and a carer to assist with daily tasks. She has also assisted Eva to engage in arts activities—crafts, sewing, beading. They have intentions to start pottery classes using her NDIS funds, if approved.
“Michele is the kindest, most supportive ally. She helps explain the NDIS in a simple way that makes sense to me. I was so unsure about invoices and everything to with the NDIS. But she has guided me through it all, helping me every step of the way. Michele is warm, gentle and supportive, and I will be forever grateful for the opportunities she has opened up for me. She’s working to increase my funding so I can attend pottery classes, which I’m so excited about!”
“Michele is the kindest, most supportive ally. She helps explain the NDIS in a simple way that makes sense to me.
From fear to freedom
Eva’s NDIS plan has opened up new found freedom in her life. Once overwhelmed with claustrophobic thoughts, isolated in her home, scared to go to the shops, overwhelmed with cleaning and daily household tasks. Eva now:
- Has her own NDIS Support Coordinator, and receives the right support from allied health professional to manage her condition
- Enjoys a beautiful, professionally cleaned home
- Fills her day with inspiration and creative expression
- Has the freedom to visit the shops with a carer
- Enjoys being social and looks forward to her daily activities

The pure delight in Eva’s voice when talking about her pottery and creative activities is beautiful. She says “when I ever feel down, I take out my paper and just draw, it instantly makes me feel better”. This has us thinking about the incredible importance of creativity. Creativity opens the mind, it encourages us to think in new and exciting ways, broadens our perspectives of ourselves and the world around us. It motivates, builds confidence and provides an avenue for self expression. It relieves stress, it brings people together, it help us to connect within ourselves.
Creativity isn’t just painting or drawing, while these are incredible for firing up all kinds of connections in the brain. There are so many ways to get in touch with your creativity. Think outside the box—you may just surprise yourself at how your creativity is expressed in many parts of your life. We challenge you to discover it!
Would you like to learn more about programs and creative avenues, or have a question about the NDIS?
Our Instacare Support Coordinators work with hundreds of NDIS participants to coordinate supports and increase capacity to engage in community activities and creative endeavors. We are here to help your navigate your NDIS journey. Get in touch at [email protected] or give us a call 1300 002 221
About Instacare
We are NDIS Specialists providing first-class Plan Management and Support Coordination services. Our expert team take care of the NDIS, so you can take care of life. We will work creatively with you to help achieve your goals, no matter how big or small. Learn more about our services here: